Regardless of race, gender, religious beliefs, and age, there are laws in place obligating companies to offer equal work opportunities for everyone. However, discrimination still exists in the workplace, and it can occur without you even knowing it already happened.

Age discrimination is an alarming issue that you can often recognize in job postings (i.e., opportunities offered to younger job seekers), unequal job benefits, and forced retirement. From seemingly harmless jokes or statements to limiting promotions or career opportunities, age discrimination affects one’s employment and performance at work.

Here’s an infographic from Shegerian Law that will help you identify and address age discrimination in the workplace.

[Click image for full size version]

What is Age Discrimination and What Can You Do About It?

Age discrimination lawyer in California

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Irma Wallace

Co-founder and Vice President of SearchRank, responsible for many of the day to day operations of the company. She is also founder of The Arizona Builders' Zone, a construction / home improvement portal.