Dog Bite Statistics in Virginia

For many people, dogs are more than pets. They are like family members. Still, dogs are animals. They can attack and cause devastating injuries. They may bite people due to being startled, scared or threatened, or out of a need to protect themselves or their puppies, or even being overly excited or playful.

21 Interesting & Funny Cat Facts

I am a cat person. I love dogs as well but other people’s dogs (we have no dogs in our house). Even though our feline companions are somewhat introvert, anti-social, and self-sufficient, cats can be a sweet and lovable animal inside. As you spend time with them, you’ll realize that there are many things you might not have known about your felines.

THC vs CBD – The Difference and How It Works

We know that commercial drugs can produce varying unwanted side effects – and the same goes for veterinary drugs prescribed for our beloved pets. Luckily, CBD can be used for dogs and cats too, getting all of the health benefits from this all-natural solution which we know as Cannabidiol. This infographic from Innovet Pet explains the differences between THC and CBD and how it works.

The Bite Force of 20 Different Animals

This infographic compares the bite force of 20 different animals, ranging from sharks, to dinosaurs, to humans, to dogs, and more. To make the graphic more relatable, readers can imagine what it would feel like to be bitten by one of these animals by comparing it to being crushed by an object in the real world.

Is Your Best Friend In Pain?

Just like people, every dog responds to discomfort differently. Some hide their pain instinctively, even beneath the daily strain of severe conditions. Others cry or limp when X-rays or physical exams reveal only mild maladies. Learn more about pain in dogs within this infographic.

Rottweiler Dog Breed Guide

The Rottweiler is one of the strongest large dogs in the world. A Rottweiler does have a scary look. However, behind that angry face, there is an adorable puppy that’s always trying to please his owner.  Rottweilers are not aggressive by nature. They are affectionate just like many other dog breeds. They do have an unmatched strength, with strong jaws and sharp teeth, but they also have a great heart and appreciation for the humans.

Which Cat Breed is Best for My Apartment?

Cats make great pets for apartment dwellers. When compared to dogs, they’re typically less maintenance, are more self-sufficient, and require less training. However, all cat breeds are not created equal. There is of course a pet’s individual personality, but there are also overarching trends by the cat’s breed. The goal is to choose a cat breed that matches your lifestyle, personal preferences, and apartment.

15 Ways Fish Reduce Stress & Improve Mental Health

If you’re a pet person, you won’t need to be told how relaxing it is to just spend time with your pet, but did you know that keeping pets actually has health benefits too? You probably knew that cats, dogs and large animals all provide us with the feel good factor, but even pets as small as fish bring us plenty of mental health benefits. The following infographic is a visual, easy to read round up all the best research that has been carried out into aquariums and how they improve mental health and reduce stress.

Are You a Cat Person or a Dog Person?

Initiating a discussion with a pet-lover can be daunting sometimes as the conversation may turn either favorable or hostile. Apart from the minor proportion of people that don’t like pets, our society is mainly categorized into 2 sections, i.e. one having an inclination for dogs and the other having a preference for cats. In fact, the ideal way to gauge someone’s personality may depend on whether they like dogs or cats.

Stereotypical Neighbors From Hell

Often in the movies, your next-door neighbor is often portrayed as a kind, well-natured person – someone you can trust and a relationship to nurture in the future. Unfortunately the reality is often a far cry from this. It’s inevitable that you’ll eventually stumble across a nightmarish neighbor. Whether it’s an early riser with a petrol mower, or a neighbor with constantly barking dogs, there’s a number of stereotypes that grind our gears.