I’m a Dog. I Hate Hugs. Get Over It!

Just like humans, dogs are complicated creatures. We have our likes and dislikes just like you. But this hugging thing got way out of hand. We’ve been tight for thousands of years. Are you humans gonna throw that away over this? Sorry if we hurt your feelings, but think about all the good times we’ve shared together. We would die for you. Literally.

Stylish Designs For Classy Cats

Cats have style, cats have panache and cats have class. They’re not content slumming it like dogs. So why not get some inspiration from these amazing design ideas from Terrys Fabrics and make your home both cat friendly and great looking.

What is Biomimicry? Innovation Inspired by Nature

Did you know that sharks inspired NASA boats and that butterflies inspired e-readers? If the answer is no, then check out this well-informed and educational infographic that can tell you everything you need to know. The infographic that looks at some of the best examples of nature inspired biomimicry and provides lots of fun facts.

Three Foundational Principles of Beer and Food Pairing

Some food and drink just go hand-in-hand: cookies and milk, pasta and wine, and hot dogs and beer. But actually, beer is such a versatile beverage that relegating it to only being paired with hot dogs (and occasionally wings) would be a crime. With a wide range of weights and flavors, beer can complement any food from salads to barbecue.

7 People Foods Your Dog Should Never Eat

Dogs are an extension of our family. They sleep with us, play with us and oftentimes eat with us. However, not all human foods are safe for doggie consumption. Foods like grapes, onions and macadamia nuts can take a serious toll on a pup’s health. Here’s a...

What Does Your Pet Say About You?

Ever wondered what your pet can say about you and your personality? Well, some cat and dog breeds have certain characteristics that could be related to the pet owner´s personality. Check out the following infographic which includes some popular cats and dogs in Hollywood.

Keeping Ambient Temperatures For Healthy Pets

Pet health is dependent on a variety of factors, food, drink, exercise and your love to name a few. You also need to ensure that they are provided with an ambient temperature to help make them flourish. This infographic highlights the importance of your pet avoiding heatstroke during the summer and keeping sufficiently warm in the winter to prevent hypothermia.

DeCoding Your Dog

Dogs are very expressive animals. However, they don’t express themselves the same way we do, with words – instead, their vehicles for expression include their tails, their tongues, their eyes, and their ears. Even the way they hold their weight can tell you something about how they feel! It’s important not to misinterpret your dog’s body language or barking. Follow this simple guide to understand some of your dog’s most common emotions.