11 Creative DIY Dog Costumes For Halloween

A martini glass, a taco, and even a Batdog! TheDogTrainingSecret.com presents 11 fun DIY Halloween costumes perfect to fit any dogs personality, and very easy to create. With any of these costume ideas, your canine is guaranteed to be the life of the party and the talk of the town this Halloween.

From Wolf to Wag: The Evolution of The Dog

How did the majestic grey wolf transform into the Pug? If all dogs descended from wolves, why do dogs have different shaped skulls to wolves? This infographic from Invisible Fence explains how – along with the functions different breeds originally served, and ownership data from the last century.

The Biting Facts About Dog Bite Stats

Dogs are often considered “man’s best friend,” but what happens when these furry companions became ferocious foes? Every day, individuals fall victim to debilitating and unprovoked dog attacks. Even seemingly minor dog bites can cause serious complications or fatalities. There are 4.7 million people bitten by dogs each year, with 800,000 Americans that seek medical attention for dog bites each year. Learn more about dog biting statistics in this infographic by My Philadelphia Injury Lawyer.

What’s in Your Hot Dog?

This summer, Applegate has invited people across the country to confront that haunting question: What’s in Your Hot Dog? While the answer can be scary, once you’ve found a well-made dog, the fun begins and you can focus on what to put on your hot dog in order to maximize deliciousness. This infographic helps to guide this doggy discovery process and make it more fun.

What’s Really In Your Pet’s Food?

Did you know that the dog’s basic physiology hasn’t changed in hundreds of years? It only makes sense to base a dog’s diet on what canine ancestors ate–a balance of protein, fats, and carbohydrates. Yet, modern pet foods have substantially changed what our dogs eat. To learn more about optimum canine health (and other dog food facts), take a look at the following infographic.

Cats Rule the Internet

I’m one of the few guys that I know that likes cats. In fact, I love cats, from the big wild ones to the domesticated house cat. I’m also one of the few guys that does not care for dogs. I like certain breeds but for the most part, give me a cat over a dog any day of the week! Whether you’re a cat or dog person, or both, you’ll want to check out this cute infographic to learn why cats are the most popular pets online.

Eating Healthy On Independence Day

If you’re trying to watch your weight, summertime can be hard. It’s the season for firing up the grill and with all those hamburgers, hot dogs and mayo laden potato salad it’s easy to overeat. And with 4th of July just around the corner that big spread of food can be stressful. Fortunately, the following infographic has some tips that will keep you on track.

Road Tripping with Fido?

Although driving without securing a small child in a car seat is illegal in all 50 states, only New Jersey bans pets from riding unrestrained in cars. What’s worse: animal restraints—specifically those for dogs—are not widely used, even though pet travel has increased 300 percent since 2005. Do you know how to safely travel with your family pet?

Dog vs Human Anatomy Facts

The human-dog relationship amounts to a very long lasting symbiosis. Dogs have acted as humans alarm systems, trackers and hunting aides, and children’s guardians as well as playmates. Humans have provided dogs with food and security. This relationship has stabilized over many years and intensified into mutual domestication. But have you ever wondered what anatomical differences exist between humans and dogs? This infographic from Pet365 will explore this question.