COVID-19 & Financial Stress

In this infographic, Selectra explores data on job loss and redundancies due to the COVID Pandemic. It details the effects of financial stress on mental health and steps to take to alleviate financial stress. Additionally, you’ll discover free resources to find help during these challenging times.

50 Work From Home Jobs With $60K+ Salaries

The Coronavirus outbreak has wrecked havoc the U.S. job market. Since President Donald Trump declared this global pandemic a national emergency in mid-March, over 30 million people have filed for jobless benefits for the first time. For those that are working from home, many are still struggling with the concept and find it a huge change that will require some effort to master.

Preparing Your E-Commerce Business for the 2020 Holidays

The recent Coronavirus pandemic has propelled eCommerce business owners to achieve record-breaking sales. With the continued demands and to keep up with the holidays, merchants must start managing their inventories now. For the 2020 holiday shopping season, PinnacleCart has created an infographic that will help you prepare your eCommerce store for this unprecedented holiday sales season.

The Deadliest Pandemics in History

The COVID-19 pandemic has been a defining time for many people and nations around the world. Whether you know someone who has been infected by the virus or not, everyone’s way of life is being affected, from wearing a face mask in public to limiting social gatherings and restricting dine-in restaurant services. However, we are still in the midst of the pandemic, and its full impact on history will not be known for some time.

How Did Education Change During the Pandemic?

Almost monthly, UNESCO, in particular the Bureau of Education, publishes reports on the threats to the education sector through the coronavirus. One of the statements said that due to the disrupted educational process for millions of pupils and students, the world is threatened with degradation, as the level of education of the population will significantly decrease. The following infographic explores how education changed during the Coronavirus pandemic.

Face Mask Report Card

Many are getting creative with the face masks they create or purchase during these times, but are they all effective? The following infographic from Sock It To Me Blog details some of the different types of face masks you’re likely to come across. You’ll gain insight into what types of masks are most likely to protect you, your friends, and your family when going out in public.

Is Working From Home The New Normal?

Here is an infographic that shows the background, benefits and advice related to the surge in working from home. For many people, shifting to the home office has been the only available option, but for those ready to adjust it could be a blessing in disguise. It offers the individual more freedom and flexibility, employees working from home are more productive, and it can save time and money for everyone involved.