History Of HIV

According to World Health Organisation (WHO) a global summary of the AIDs epidemic was done in 2014 which concluded an astonishing 39.6 million people were living with HIV at the time. DrFelix have researched and put together a HIV timeline infographic to share the history of HIV for educational purposes and to raise awareness.

Beekeeping and Honey Labeling 101

Many bee colonies have been dying out around the world in the past decade due to extensive use of pesticides, parasites and viruses, malnutrition, etc. The following infographic aims to inform readers about the status of bee colonies today and what people are doing to help them survive. It also provides very useful information about honey labeling that can interest both honey producers and consumers.

Help Stop The Spread of Deadly Ebola

Seeing that there is currently no known vaccine or cure for the Ebola virus, we must work together to raise awareness in order to keep it contained. Th e current outbreak of Ebola is the worst seen since discovered in the 1970’s. The fatality rate ranges from 50-90% and includes symptoms flu-like symptoms such as high fever as well as bleeding internally and externally. This infographic provides info on how to help stop the spread of this deadly virus.

Ebola, Social Media & The Fight To Contain Contagion

We live in the information age and this age is spreading to all parts of the world. This is good news for those parts previous left in the dark, where word-of-mouth is how vital information was shared. Social media is changing the way that same vital information is now shared, particularly in Africa.

How To Prevent Mosquitoes From Breeding in Your Yard

Summer is synonymous with many things: baseball, fireworks and unfortunately, mosquitoes, which can ruin a summer barbecue faster than a rotten hamburger. The good news is you don’t have to run for cover every time the sun goes down. With a little preventive maintenance and monitoring, you can gain the upper hand on mosquitoes.

Supercharge Your Website With CloudFlare CDN

Have you ever been worried about your website’s speed and security or instances of malware or malicious traffic? How do you fight against hacks, virus attacks, and other ill-wishers, widespread on the Internet? The ugly truth is that sooner or later every website faces these issues. The need for a solution that saves hours of efforts, huge costs, and inconveniences, is inevitable.

Sick Has Gone Super

Even though medicine has come a long way over the years, there are still superbugs. Check out the following infographic from Del-Immune to learn about some of the deadliest, drug-resistant superbug viruses and how we can possibly stop them by fortifying our own immunity.

Cervical Cancer Awareness Month

Cervical cancer occurs when abnormal cells on the cervix grow out of control. Cervical cancer can often be successfully treated when it’s found early. It is usually discovered at a very early stage through a Pap test. Cervical cancer is primarily caused by the human papillomavirus virus, or HPV. HPV is contracted through sexual intercourse with an infected individual.

Household Germs That Can Kill

Here is a useful infographic by Master Cleaners that teaches us all about the most dangerous germs that can be found in the home, with the 4 most dangerous household germs are MRSA, E. Coli 0157, Novovirus and C. Difficile.