HIV & AIDS: Our Shared Responsibility

What is the current state of HIV and AIDS globally and in the United States? How can one person’s actions affect others and keep them healthy and safe? How can we all work together to move closer towards an HIV & AIDS-free generation? Learn about HIV and AIDS, some easy ways to avoid exposure to the virus, how HIV can lead to AIDS, and more in this infographic.

The Germy Truth About Influenza

Did you catch the flu this season? Or are you still hoping you won’t succumb to this illness? Whether you have an immune system of steel or you unfortunately caught the flu bug, read on to learn the germy truth of the influenza virus in this infographic by eCollegeFinder. Now go wash your hands!

History of the Internet

Have you ever wondered about the history of the internet? From the very first virus to the birth of Google and beyond, this cool infographic from covers all the important milestones.

Malware – The Hidden Threat to Your Business

MegaPath has wrangled up about the most ruthless, lawless viruses and software attacks around may frighten you. Don’t worry though, along with some interesting facts about the biggest malware threats in history and to your business, they have got all the information you need on how to protect your business.

Stuxnet: The New Face of Cyber Warfare

In 2010 a computer virus named the Stuxnet worm was created in order to stop Iran’s nuclear efforts. However, since then it has been leaked to the public, and any savvy hacker can get their hands on it. What does this mean? Well, the virus can be manipulated to do many things and could be very dangerous if it got into the wrong hands. Check out this infographic presented by Veracode to learn more about the Stuxnet virus.

Social Media Security Basics

With social media more popular than it’s ever been, so are viruses, malware and scams. Social media users must be familiar with the basics of security in order to stay safe. This infographic presents common social media hacks and explores how enterprises can mitigate the security concerns that stem from social media applications.

Why Is Pinterest So Addictive?

Flowtown has published the following infographic that examines “Pinterest addiction” which seems to be spreading like a zombie apocalypse virus. Proof? Pinterest users spend an average 98 minutes on site per month, third only to Tumblr (2.5 hours) and Facebook (7 hours). And is there an antidote? Why would you want one?