Influencer Marketing and Social Media in Australia 2018

The Influencer Marketing and Social Media in Australia 2018 infographic shows some of the most interesting insights regarding how influencer marketing and social media play a part in Australian customers purchasing decisions. For example, nearly 70% of Australians with social media accounts will use social media to research things they want to buy.

Social Media Management Tools

Maintaining multiple social media profiles for a business is a hectic task. To make the job simpler, the folks at Infographic Design team present to you 12 of the most preferred management tools that generate the desired returns with ease.

The Psychology of Social Media Dependence

Ever wonder how this undying trend of social media came into being? How in a mere few years, the entire world changed for good? You would think that it’s all leisure time on the hands of emotionally derived teenagers, but that’s not all. The social media boom happened because there’s definitely science involved. This infographic explains the extent to which people are addicted to social media, and the reasons behind this addiction.

The ROI of Social Media

Measuring ROI for social media programs can be a difficult task for marketers. While marketers are increasing resources to different social platforms, there remains the struggle to determine whether these investments are worth it. The following infographic offers tips and techniques that will help you know whether your social efforts are increasing revenue or whether it’s time to step up your game.

How to Uncover the Best Time to Post on Social Media

With over 5 billion active users on social media, brands put maximum effort into driving engagement. Every aspect of social media strategy is about getting the most eyeballs. As such, the team at Unmetric analyzed the engagement and timing patterns of the top 100 brands from various industries selected according to audience size between November 15th and December 22nd, 2017. 

The Ultimate Social Media Image Size Cheat Sheet

Speed up your social media presence with the right size and dimension of your infographics. This infographic from the folks at Info Graphic Design Team shows you the different images sizes for all the major social media platforms. You will be able to create the perfect visuals for your brand’s social media handles and stand out.

The Right Time for a Social Media Post

Managing all of your social media networks can be a daunting task. Knowing the best times to post on social media is even more challenging. So, when are the best times to post on social media? Check out the following infographic by Info Graphic Design Team to see their recommendations.